Friday, November 25, 2005

The Night

She couldn't sleep. The strange bed, the strange sounds. Knowing he was in the next room. She crept to the door and silently moved down the hall. Trying not to wake him, she opened the back door and went outside. It was a beautiful night. The moon was a bright white, and there were millions of stars. She never got to see them living in such a big city. But out here, in the middle of nowhere, they filled the sky.

She sat on the porch steps for a while, but the lake beckoned. She walked across the lawn to the dock, then climbed down the stairs. She took off her shirt, draped it across the top step, and slipped into the water. It was cold at first. She swam out to the middle then floated on her back. She looked at the sky and let her mind wander. Ten minutes, twenty. As she headed back to the dock, she saw a movement.

He had heard her leave the bedroom. He couldn't sleep either. When she didn't return right away he looked for her. He stepped outside just in time to see her climb down into the lake. He waited on the dock, watching this strange woman whom he had invited to his home. Why had he done it? He had never done anything crazy like this in his life. But she was different.

As she got closer to the dock he stood up. He knew he should look away, let her grab her shirt, but he couldn’t. She thought too about what to do. He had never even hinted at anything between them, they were friends, that was all. She never hesitated, but slowly climbed the stairs, lifting the shirt on the way. She held it in front of her and moved closer to him.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Voice

She heard the voice in a dream. It was a man calling her name, over and over and over. She couldn't see him, there was only fog. She reached out, stumbling as she moved forward through the haze.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The House

It comes to her in a dream every so often. She sees it from the road, a long ranch running parallel to the street. A covered porch runs the length. There's a swing, and several chairs. Ivy grows up over the porch, and hangs down in places. Impatiens droop from baskets between the posts. The front lawn isn't very deep. The drive is to the right.

Huge trees tower over the house. Shrubs fill the space between the porch and the walk to the drive.

She'll see it someday. It's out there.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Hammock

Lazy summer days. Lying on the hammock down by the lake for hours at a time. Headphones on, soothing music. Gentle breeze. Dozing off, dreaming of him. His smile, his laughter, his eyes. His sense of humor, the way he would tease her.

Life couldn't possibly be any better.

Unless of course he was real.

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Cabin - Chapter One

It was raining as she drove up the mountain. She hadn't been back to the cabin in nearly fifteen years. Her brother still went every year, now with his family, and he had been taking care of it. He was here just two weeks ago, so she knew everything would be ready.

The rain let up just as she found the path off the main road. She turned right and crept nearly half a mile to the cabin. Memories came rushing back. The furniture out front was new, and the place had been painted. But it felt the same.

She unloaded her bags and started a fire. She made up the bed, put her things away, and made some hot chocolate. She settled down in the rocking chair on the porch. From here she could look out over the lake. The trees were beginning to loose their leaves, and she could see several cabins that hadn't been there years ago. She could see smoke from the chimney in the closest one. She had wanted to spend the week alone, but it gave her some comfort to know there was someone nearby. She had been on her own for the past four years, but she still found it comforting.

The rain stopped completely, and the nighttime forest sounds began. She smiled as she remembered so many nights laying under the stars listening to those same sounds. When she was small, all she wanted to do was be an adult. Now she just wanted to go back and be that little girl again.

A door slammed, it seemed to come from the cabin just to her left. She heard whistling. A deep sound, must be a man. She smiled as she recognized the tune. She watched him walk to the woodpile. He grabbed a few logs, then headed back inside. Maybe tomorrow she would go down and introduce herself.

Her cell phone rang. With a sigh she got up and went inside. She saw the number, and couldn't repress the shiver. She turned it off, and went back outside.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Island

The ferry moved closer to the island. Ever since leaving the mainland, the scenario ran over and over in her mind. Stepping off the ferry, stumbling, him catching her. A light touch, a smile, a thank you. She would continue on to the cafe and order a glass of wine. She'd sit in the corner spot, where she could watch the street. Watch for him to come. He would recognize her, ask if he could join her. She'd smile, again, and say of course.

The ferry docked. There was no one there.

She drank alone.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Playing: Claire De Lune, Debussy

She drove down the coast highway, pulling into a spot just in time. She parked, paid the meter, and walked down the slope toward the water. Looking out, she watched the sun set. Streaks of blue, and purple and red. It was beautiful. And while she watched, she dreamed.

Of him walking toward her. Of their look. Their touch. The instant realization between the two of them that this was true. They would never be alone again.

Then she walked back to the car, and drove off.
